Archive for bandits
Those pesky bandits, always wanting to raid and steal. This is a moment where the Bandit rolled successfully for surprise, but then rolled to miss, where Frya rolled a critical hit in retaliation.
The bandits are another set of NPCs that are in the module. They are given a few squares on the map where if the PCs enter them, then they attack. I rolled out gender on a 50% chance when I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The fight was 6 bandits vs. the 3 PCs that aren’t at 0 or 1 hit point. So far things seem to be going well.
Page 211 – Bandit Attack, Pg 4
Page 212 – Bandit Aftermath, and In the Dungeon Again
The fight went well, so now we have a screen wipe to the dungeon that Sylvanius is locked in. I hope you all were not worried about him.
Page 267 – Alleandros finds the Bandits.
The Party didn’t kill all the bandits, they have regrouped and ran into the Elven Advisor who is attempting to find them. They are such a bunch of grumpy bastards, who knows what’s going to happen.
Page 268 – Alleandros deals with the Bandits
Page 269 – Alleandros makes some new friends.
Step one, cast web. Step two, cast charm so they forgive you for casting web. I rolled the Save vs. Spells and the Bandit leader failed it.