Class: Rake
A Rake is an adventurer that is not a thief, a soldier, a sage in some eldritch art, but still seeks out danger and fortune with their wits and charms. Swashbucklers and thrill seekers, they adventure with style, panache and their quick wits. This class is for the PC that has no defined skill set other then the desire for adventure and fortune and willing to bend the rules to get it. Stand and Deliver!!
Prime Requisites: Dexterity. The Rake also must have a minimum charisma score of 13.
Hit Dice: 1d6 per level (plus any constitution bonus or penalty) until level 9, thereafter 2hp per level
Weapons and Combat: Rakes can use any one-handed melee weapon in addition to the bastard sword and staves. They can also use missile weapons. Rakes attack as fighters and begin with four weapons as basic mastery. They gain weapon skills as thieves.
Armour: Rakes can only wear leather armor and cannot use shields.
Thief Skills: Rakes gain the following thief skills: Hide in Shadows, Hear Noise, Move Silently, Climb Walls. Rakes also gain the Panache skill, detailed below.
Magic Items: Rakes can use magic items as a fighter and as a thief.
High Level Rakes: A name level Rake who choose to settle down in one place, is called a Bounder. A Bounder’s domicile is called a Pad or Boudoir. This may be anything from an entire estate to a fashionable flat in an expensive part of town. The Rake will gather 2d8 admirers and followers hoping to be rakes themselves. Most will be lumpen ne’er-do-wells but some will show potential. This group of scoundrels is known as a School. The Rake will have a grudging respect from local leadership and law enforcement, because even though the Rake Bounder is known to have a scandalous history, they typically help with gossip, useful information and pose little risk to the common good.
There are no organization of Bounders, but rival Schools of Scoundrels have been known to cause a ruckus, but nothing serious enough that would that rival what a Thieves Guild is capable of.
A traveling Rake is known as a Cad. When a Cad travels into town, few front doors are opened, but many back doors will welcome the Cad for the skills and information that he is able to bring. When new in town, and when gathering information fora job, a Cad is able to rustle up 2d6 retainers of under 5th level of various classes expecting adventure and payment willing to work for the Cad to improve their reputation as mercenaries. These retainers can be treated as and are paid as henchmen but do not count against charisma limitations on the number of followers the character can employ. They will work for the Cad for the duration of one job before departing.
XP Chart to follow
Panache Skill details to Follow